Aruba’s strong commitment to reaching the goals of Agenda 2030 is seen in the establishment of the National Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Aruba Commission with assistance from UNDP in 2017. It is an initiative by the government that is promulgating the implementation and the uptake by citizens, businesses and civil society organizations of the Sustainable Development Goals on the island of Aruba.

Participants from the SDG Aruba Commission Young Voices Youth Program holding the SDGs. Photo | SDG Aruba Commission
UN in Action 1: A MAPS (Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support) Mission was hosted in collaboration with the UNDP to narrow down what goals would need the most attention and would make it easier to implement the remaining goals.
UN in Action 2: IOM developed a Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), a system to track and monitor displacement and population mobility. IOM is also taking humanitarian action in Aruba by assisting the Venezuelan migrants and host communities with Food assistance, NFI, protection kits, access to primary health care and dental care.
UN in Action 3: WFP conducted case studies on shock responsive social protection in Sint Maarten and Aruba. Work is underway to initiate an additional one for Curaçao. These case studies provide insights on emerging trends to shock-proof national social protection, looking at SRSP programmes through five dimensions for system preparedness: data management, targeting, delivery mechanisms, coordination and financing.
UN in Action 4: In partnership with HIAS, UNHCR provides humanitarian assistance, access to legal assistance, counselling, psycho-social support, and community-based protection to vulnerable individuals and families. UNHCR has also supported the Government of Aruba with medical supplies and materials to the Government of Aruba to support their COVID-19 response.